Many people have crushing car loans that are difficult to keep up with. They may wonder if filing for bankruptcy can help lower their monthly car payment. Depending on the type of bankruptcy you file and your particular circumstances, you…
Bankruptcy provides a fresh start for many people because much of their debt is discharged. However, whether all of your debt will be discharged in bankruptcy depends on the type of debt you have, what property you want to keep,…
Bankruptcy proceedings can get complicated under the best of circumstances. Figuring out your taxes in the midst of filing for bankruptcy adds yet another layer of complexity to your case. In some situations, you might not be able to keep…
Nearly 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the number of people out of work could continue to grow exponentially. Some economists estimate that the total number of Americans without a job could hit…
Despite the shutdown raging across the country, many people will still sustain injuries that will require a personal injury claim. Whether a car accident, slip and fall or another ordinary event (we’re looking at you, novice lumberjacks), accident victims can…
On April 9, 2020, the IRS will start sending stimulus checks to individuals under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020. People earning less than $75,000 will receive $1,200 and married couple earning less than $150,000…
With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across our nation, one of the hardest hit areas is nursing homes and long-term care facilities for the elderly. Already with compromised immunity, our senior citizens are more vulnerable and are at a significantly higher…
The COVID-19 pandemic that is sweeping the world is having a major impact on everyone- especially when it comes to finances. We all understand the importance of saving for a rainy day, but in these days more than ever we…
Once you have filed for bankruptcy, you may wonder how your credit will be impacted. It is a question we get asked time and time again. We’re happy to tell you that with some monitoring and careful work, your credit…
Under Ohio’s law, any lawsuit based on personal bodily injury, product liability, or damage to personal property must be brought within two years from the date of the accident. For some cases in Ohio, the statute of limitations begins on…