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Bankruptcy Advice

Ohio Bankruptcy Options for High Earners

Published September 11, 2019 by Amourgis & Associates
Options for High Earners: Take Advantage of Bankruptcy

Can You Make Too Much Money to File Bankruptcy? The answer is yes! High income earners have several bankruptcy options to consider. Even if you are employed, have a high-paying job, or multiple sources of income, you may be eligible…

Can I Get a Credit Card After Bankruptcy?

Published August 30, 2019 by Amourgis & Associates
Can I Get a Credit Card After Bankruptcy?

One of the questions that we hear the most is if you can get a credit card after filing for bankruptcy. The answer is always a resounding Yes! Filing for bankruptcy is a way for you to start off with a…

What Property is Considered Exempt in an Ohio Bankruptcy?

Published April 9, 2019 by Amourgis & Associates
What Property is Considered Exempt in an Ohio Bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy is a stressful process, you don’t need confusing legal terms and changing laws to make it more difficult. To be clear, bankruptcy is a federal law, but regulations regarding personal property exemptions vary by state. Ohio has…

What to Expect on Your Credit Report After Filing Bankruptcy

Published March 22, 2019 by Amourgis & Associates
What to Expect on Your Credit Report After Filing Bankruptcy

Although the decision to file bankruptcy is a difficult one, it is often the best choice when you have exhausted all other options to repay your debt. One thing that prevents some people from seriously considering this legal form of…

Benefits of Filing for Bankruptcy

Published February 20, 2019 by Amourgis & Associates
Benefits of Filing for Bankruptcy

Debt is stressful, and for many people, it’s also embarrassing. Unfortunately, that embarrassment sometimes keeps people from doing what would help them the most. If you’re getting harassed by creditors and can’t keep up, consider the benefits of filing for…

Bankruptcy Options When You Can’t Afford an Attorney

Published January 14, 2019 by Amourgis & Associates
Bankruptcy Options When You Can’t Afford an Attorney

Filing bankruptcy without a bankruptcy attorney involves risk. The decision can affect the court’s rulings and your long-term financial health. In the state of Ohio, whether or not you have an attorney, the court expects you to follow the bankruptcy…

Are You Ready for a Bankruptcy Consultation? Here’s What to Expect

Published January 8, 2019 by Amourgis & Associates
Are You Ready for a Bankruptcy Consultation? Here’s What to Expect

If you are considering filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the first step is to meet with an experienced bankruptcy attorney. This initial consultation serves to understand better your financial situation and begin to plan the way towards…

The Best Effort Requirement in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: All You Should Know

Published December 7, 2018 by Amourgis & Associates
What is the Best Effort Requirement in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy trustees understand that everyone’s financial situation is different. That’s why the requirements for completing a Chapter 13 repayment plan are specific to each individual who files. So, what is the best effort requirement in Chapter 13 bankruptcy? The best…

What Happens to My 401(K) in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Published by Amourgis & Associates

In most cases, reasonable 401(k) and other retirement plan contributions can be continued depending on whether you are capable of meeting your statutory obligations while contributing to your retirement plan. Can I Continue to Make 401(K) Contributions During Chapter 13…

What Happens to Child Support in the Bankruptcy Process?

Published November 30, 2018 by Amourgis & Associates
What Happens to Child Support in the Bankruptcy Process?

In Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases, different types of debt are handled in different ways. Although child support cannot be discharged by completing the bankruptcy repayment plan, it may successfully help you catch up on payments. Below we…

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